Accidental pumpkin patch

Since I've been more active on Facebook in the last week or two, I've been neglecting this blog. It wasn't just Facebook, actually. First we had a late Spring freeze, and the unexpectedly cold weather. Then we had rain for the better part of a week. And NOW we have unseasonably HOT weather. Well... what happens when it rains alot and then gets really warm? Stuff grows! And my stuff is no exception.
A couple weeks ago when I was moving my compost bins, I found these little seedlings growing where one bin had been. (One bin had been, try saying that three times fast) This past October, I helped my kids carve pumpkins for the first time in their lives. We recycled pumpkin goo by chucking it in the compost pile. Well apparently quite a few of the seeds were viable because a few pumpkin plants sprouted up where I spread some compost-mulch. And now a couple little pumpkin plants have sprung up over by my shed where the compost bins were. I have put some compost-mulch around them and will leave them to become another accidental pumpkin patch. We'll see how they do but already I noticed there are tiny buds on these seedlings like they might come into bloom unusually early.
I probably won't be writing here much anymore. But I will try to keep photo-documenting the growth of my "garden" (aka plants free-range growing wherever they'd like around my yard).