Bloom where you're planted
This week was interesting. I spent four of the five days at my children's school, chaperoning a field trip one day and filling in for a teacher two days, and then sort of doing the rounds on Friday (starting off with a long and much needed talk with the principal, then helping out another parent who was subbing, then watching the little kids at recess, then helping out the first grade teachers and making a very cool tie-dyed coffee filter and then... as the finale... ending the day supervising the high school PE class where they played a very brutal version of dodgeball which it worries me to say I found very entertaining.) It was almost like being at my hippie summer camp again, and indeed I'm often reminded of the New Hampshire woods when I walk through Treetops' campus. Watching the gym class, the thought ran through my mind that I never really know quite how I get to where I end up. (you know, in other words, I paused and smiled and mentally asked myself, "What am I doing here!?") We never know what lies ahead on the road we're on. It's like that analogy in "The Secret"- you're driving on a dark road at night. You just keep following the road but you can't see what lies ahead. So you just keep going and trust that it will get you to where you are supposed to be.
I spent a lot of time gardening during this unseasonably warm weekend, which always gives me the quiet time I need for my thoughts to take root and grow, not to mention basking in the ample sunlight which burns off any negative stuff I might be carrying around. And I admit I was carrying around some negative stuff. But I think I'm at the place now where I can submit and accept that wherever my road leads, wherever I end up tomorrow, next month, next year, it's ok with me. We work hard to cultivate our lives but some things simply won't grow in some environments. We try but some things weren't meant to be. That's ok. We have to trust that we will end up where we were meant to be. I think I lost sight of that but I was reminded of it while thinking about where to plant things in my yard.

Here to the left is the southwest corner of our property. This apparently at one time had been a flower bed, as there are decaying wooden landscaping beams marking off the area, but as you can see in the photo, the sunlight never really falls directly into that area. I thought that in the hot dry Texas summers, this *could* be beneficial as things wouldn't dry out as fast and they are still getting some sunlight because weeds sure find a way to grow there. I went ahead and started pulling out those weeds and turning over the soil and decided that this is going to be my experimental garden this year. All those little tomato seedlings I photographed last weekend have to find some place to root so I started off by planting some here in the corner in mounds of my home-brew fortified leaf mold composted mulch stuff. We'll see how it works out. If they look like they're growing, I'll plant a few more back there next weekend or during Spring Break. Like I was saying, if they don't grow there I won't push it. You just try stuff out... if it doesn't work, it's ok. Tomato plants weren't meant to grow just anywhere.
This is the view of the pathway behind our house that connects the two side yards. When we first moved here about 8 years ago, I had a vision of all these ivy-covered trellises covering the walkway so I slowly started working on that. Boston Ivy grows relatively quickly but I started with just about a half dozen 4" pots planted at very intentional intervals. The trellises are really cheap- you can get them at Michael's for about $15 and then you know, there's that 40% off coupon every Sunday for any item. :-) So it's really nice to see that the ivy just keeps growing and as the years pass, my vision is being realized. Ivy was meant to grow there. I planted a Camelia bush at the same time in that area. Its tag says it does well in partial or full shade. It hasn't died but it's never grown in 6 or 7 years. Maybe it would have been better off someplace else.
I spent a lot of time gardening during this unseasonably warm weekend, which always gives me the quiet time I need for my thoughts to take root and grow, not to mention basking in the ample sunlight which burns off any negative stuff I might be carrying around. And I admit I was carrying around some negative stuff. But I think I'm at the place now where I can submit and accept that wherever my road leads, wherever I end up tomorrow, next month, next year, it's ok with me. We work hard to cultivate our lives but some things simply won't grow in some environments. We try but some things weren't meant to be. That's ok. We have to trust that we will end up where we were meant to be. I think I lost sight of that but I was reminded of it while thinking about where to plant things in my yard.

Here to the left is the southwest corner of our property. This apparently at one time had been a flower bed, as there are decaying wooden landscaping beams marking off the area, but as you can see in the photo, the sunlight never really falls directly into that area. I thought that in the hot dry Texas summers, this *could* be beneficial as things wouldn't dry out as fast and they are still getting some sunlight because weeds sure find a way to grow there. I went ahead and started pulling out those weeds and turning over the soil and decided that this is going to be my experimental garden this year. All those little tomato seedlings I photographed last weekend have to find some place to root so I started off by planting some here in the corner in mounds of my home-brew fortified leaf mold composted mulch stuff. We'll see how it works out. If they look like they're growing, I'll plant a few more back there next weekend or during Spring Break. Like I was saying, if they don't grow there I won't push it. You just try stuff out... if it doesn't work, it's ok. Tomato plants weren't meant to grow just anywhere.

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