Lessons in Gardening

As the weather turns more and more pleasant outside, my thoughts once again turn to all things green and rooted. I decided today that I want to document my meager weekend progress through photos and notations and what better place to do it than here on my defunct but well-intentioned blog. That way I can pass this off as simultaneously keeping in touch with family and friends and convince myself I'm killing two birds with one stone. (That's just a saying, I'd never really kill any birds with any stone. Killing a chicken with a kitchen knife was just too much as it were.) I imagine I'll also occaisonally add an anedcote or two about my experiences substitute teaching here in the local school district. I'm starting to learn that there are many things in common between students and vegetative matter. See.... I know you already agree with me.
Let's start with odd names I run across as I call roll in different classrooms across the city each new day. The first name that comes to mind is one that made my ears perk up when I first heard it. I was "helping out" (at least I wasn't sleeping, like the *other* sub sent there to help) in OCS- that is "on campus suspension" when the attending teacher started the roll call after lunch to make sure no one got uhm... accidentally left behind (or jumped ship is more like it). She got to the name and my ears perked up. "Velvet Flowers". Wow. What a pretty name, I thought. My mind immediately imagined a teenage version of my daughter- white or tan skin, long curly frizzy hair, bead necklace, embroidered hip hugger jeans. But lo and behold, the reply of "here" came from someone of a totally different gender, race and definitely NOT of the hippie persuasion. I wonder now on a daily basis what people are thinking when they name their kids. I spied the name "Questian" on a roll sheet at a junior high school about a month ago. Please tell me there is another possible pronunciation of that word. And I swear to God, I had a child in class yesterday named Dorcus.

Ok, the next photo is in the Eastern side yard, where we have a large sliding glass door and concrete patio. On either side of the patio, I created triangular shaped beds. This bush is the miniature pomegranate my Dad bought for me when we first moved into the house about 7 or 8 years ago. I just pruned it last week and it's started to get its first Spring leaves. In front of it, I planted some Amaryllis bulbs that I got for free from another Curves member last Spring. I hope they bloom this year. They've already started to just poke out of the ground and are a couple inches tall now.

its course. It took over. Last summer, we just cut it down to the ground thinking it would die but it just keeps coming back. So I'm leaving it but will "keep it in check" this time. Along the fence line to the left and right, I planted snow peas. I'm waiting for them to sprout and when they do, I plan to buy some plastic netting to hang on the fence for them to climb up. Then when the peas die, the honeysuckle is welcome to take over the net.

And here are my babies. And there aren't just 8 of them. In the white plastic dishes are many tomato seedlings leaning into the sunlight, checking out the view of the backyard where they yearn to run free. In the blue dish are pepper and basil seedlings. The big black container is where they all came from. There are still unsprouted seeds in peat pellets in there so it looks like we are off to a good start!
How cool! I was just at my neighbor's house asking them about beginning a garden this spring and then I get home and I get this blog from you! We are on the same wavelength -still, after all these years.
I am very impressed by your gardening skills, can you come back to jersey to help us out here??
Anyway, good to hear from you Ruthie - I hope that you are enjoying teaching and I hope you blog more about the crazy situations you will encounter as a teacher. I could write a book with my experiences...
I just had lunch with Bridgette and Tracy last weekend. It is so cool to be back in touch with them and Brenda. We miss you though!!!!!!
Love, Kari
Hey Kari :-) It's so nice to see you here. I would have loved to have lunch with you guys, too! Miss you too, keep in touch when you get a chance to put your baby down :-)
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