Nothing profound, just green

I spent a couple hours outside this morning, enjoying the weather now that it's heated back up to Spring-like conditions, listening to my MP3 player, pulling weeds and getting dirt stuck under my cuticles. I don't know how I managed to pass hours out there, I didn't even really get much done. But I thought I'd post photos of what's new in my yard anyway. Here is my tomato patch just downhill from our patio. A couple years ago this used to be rose bushes that were wild and unruly and always seemed to be getting black-leaf diseases. I'd always chop them up and then they'd just keep coming back. Finally I dug out their roots and now I have a place to plant something much less romantic and much more practical. Tomatoes. We have one rose bush remaining in the far corner down there. It has some oregano growing under it, which I don't actually use but it makes a very pretty ground cover that spreads at a nice pace (not too fast to get out of control but fast enough to fill in spaces). So I planted a double row of tomato plants all down this bed and we'll see how they do. I had to pull two out already because we had that cold spell this week that actually managed to freeze two of my plants. It also killed the basil plants I had, but I can replant those later when I find some space for it. I have a big baggie full of basil seed I harvested from my basil last year.

Here is something that looks like a rather boring photo but it's actually pretty exciting for me. It is my baby spinach that has come up and is doing quite well in some spots. I plucked a leaf off this morning after watering them and ate it. Very tasty.

My grapevine got its leaves! And many tiny little clusters of potential grapes. I'm really excited about that. It's produced grapes before, but as soon as they'd ripen, birds would eat them before we'd have the chance. (Plus last summer I was in Egypt during the fruit season so we missed our chance) Maybe this summer we'll miss our chance too, with our summer road trip plans, but it's always exciting to know that we have the potential to grow our own grapes.

And here is what our grapevine arbor/trellis looks like overall. It doesn't look like much but remember- it's only March. These are the "before" photos!