I'm Baaaack...
WOW, I can not believe it. I figured out how to access my own blog again. Yippee. Yes, I admit it, I'm not really good with technology, what can I say. I expect my computer to remember my passwords, but then when I travel, and use a new computer.... how can I access anything?? Anyway, I haven't written for 3 months?! A lot has happened, I guess. I'll just ramble aimlessly for a while to update anyone who is out there reading about my life.
First, I'm currently in Texas for the summer months. So I'm Ruthie Of Maadi In Texas, I guess. We're all physically much more comfortable here since we have an air conditioned home and air conditioned cars and air conditioned shopping. Although I feel conflicted about that because I'm not sure that air conditioning is actually good for your health. But then, if it helps you avoid heat exhaustion, I guess it can't be too bad for your health.
My kids are enjoying the best that Texas has to offer. Bowling, ice skating, playing my the kids of my friend, PuttPutt mini golf, swimming, parks, sprinklers, cheap movie theater movies, weekly trips to the library (we got The Corpse Bride and Color of Paradise on DVD yesterday- for free! gotta love the US library system) We joined Netflix so we usually have at least one DVD in the house to watch and that has become pretty much our regular evening activity as a family. We watched "Master and Commander" last night starring Russell Crowe. I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars. A little dull and the kids opted to go play Spy Fox on the computer instead while their dad and I suffered through the slow parts of the movie while Mahmoud kept making random comments on how it's amazing how life would just grind to a halt without computers these days. (Not sure if he was even paying attention to the movie, but see, I was listening, dear.) Actually, come to think of it, I might give it 2 out of 5 stars.
I generally try to avoid watching the news on TV because it just upsets me. I feel frustrated over the situation in Lebanon. Actually I feel frustrated over the lack of international response and action to make Israel stop. It's like all the kids on the playground standing around watching a bully pummeling that "moslem" kid and no one doing anything about it. In this analogy, I'm just an ant, so what can I do? I know, never underestimate the power of prayer.
Last night after Russell Crowe completed his attempt to lull us to sleep, we found Charlie Rose on PBS interviewing the CEO of Walmart. After listening to the interview, I feel better about shopping at Walmart. Did you know 90% of Americans over pay and that Walmart actually sells some items below cost just to match competitor's prices? Wow. Well, it sounded amazing at 11:45pm last night anyway.
I've been kicking into gear reading books of tips for teachers and stocking up on supplies for the coming school year. I am nervously excited to go back to teaching. Actually I am really looking forward to it but I always have a fear of failure, but that's probably what will motivate me to go the extra mile. That's all for today! Gotta get a move on and memorize my last ayat for this afternoon's halaqa.
First, I'm currently in Texas for the summer months. So I'm Ruthie Of Maadi In Texas, I guess. We're all physically much more comfortable here since we have an air conditioned home and air conditioned cars and air conditioned shopping. Although I feel conflicted about that because I'm not sure that air conditioning is actually good for your health. But then, if it helps you avoid heat exhaustion, I guess it can't be too bad for your health.
My kids are enjoying the best that Texas has to offer. Bowling, ice skating, playing my the kids of my friend, PuttPutt mini golf, swimming, parks, sprinklers, cheap movie theater movies, weekly trips to the library (we got The Corpse Bride and Color of Paradise on DVD yesterday- for free! gotta love the US library system) We joined Netflix so we usually have at least one DVD in the house to watch and that has become pretty much our regular evening activity as a family. We watched "Master and Commander" last night starring Russell Crowe. I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars. A little dull and the kids opted to go play Spy Fox on the computer instead while their dad and I suffered through the slow parts of the movie while Mahmoud kept making random comments on how it's amazing how life would just grind to a halt without computers these days. (Not sure if he was even paying attention to the movie, but see, I was listening, dear.) Actually, come to think of it, I might give it 2 out of 5 stars.
I generally try to avoid watching the news on TV because it just upsets me. I feel frustrated over the situation in Lebanon. Actually I feel frustrated over the lack of international response and action to make Israel stop. It's like all the kids on the playground standing around watching a bully pummeling that "moslem" kid and no one doing anything about it. In this analogy, I'm just an ant, so what can I do? I know, never underestimate the power of prayer.
Last night after Russell Crowe completed his attempt to lull us to sleep, we found Charlie Rose on PBS interviewing the CEO of Walmart. After listening to the interview, I feel better about shopping at Walmart. Did you know 90% of Americans over pay and that Walmart actually sells some items below cost just to match competitor's prices? Wow. Well, it sounded amazing at 11:45pm last night anyway.
I've been kicking into gear reading books of tips for teachers and stocking up on supplies for the coming school year. I am nervously excited to go back to teaching. Actually I am really looking forward to it but I always have a fear of failure, but that's probably what will motivate me to go the extra mile. That's all for today! Gotta get a move on and memorize my last ayat for this afternoon's halaqa.
Oh wow, someone out there really is reading. Alicia, I addressed your question in my entry today. I keep wanting to call you but I end up shopping every weekend (giggle giggle) I need a cell phone so I can call you WHILE I'm shopping. There ya go. Dad, yah, I have faith that everything will work out for the best, but no one with an ounce of goodness in them can stand to see oppression (ie, killing of civilians in an unjust war). It SHOULD outrage us. That's how we know the good people from the bad ones. Be outraged, people! I miss you both dearly. Thanks for taking some interest in my thoughts. ~*Loves*~
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